Degi 22 Music Visual Concert
2022/11/29-05 | 19:00 Хийлч Дээгийгийн долоо дахь бие даасан тоглолт “Degi 22 | Music Visual Concert”Хийл хөгжимд зориулан бүтээл хийгдэх нь нэн ховордож, хийл хөгжмийг сонсож таашаах ойлголт нийгэмд үгүй болж байсан 2000-аад оноос эхлэн Хийлч Дээгий хуучны сонгодог аяз болох : Хэнтийн өндөр ууланд Үлэмжийн чанар Уран хасын вальс Сэтгэлийн эгшиг Жалам хар зэрэг бүтээлүүдийг шинэ маягаар найруулан, хийлийн гоцлолоор толилуулсан нь хүмүүсийн төсөөлөл дэх хийл хөгжмийн хязгаарлагдмал ойлголтыг баяжуулсаар ирсэн билээ. Тэгвэл энэ удаад Хийлч Degi “Visual artist Undrari”-н хамтаар өөрийн 22 жилийн урлагийн замналдаа бүтээж туурвисан гайхамшигт бүтээлүүдээ үзэгч олондоо дахин нэг удаа толилуулахаар “Degi 22” нэртэй “Music visual concert”-г зохион…
Never Enough
2020/12/04, 05 | 19:00 Violinist Degi & Bilguun @ The Independence Theater As part of her coaching project, violinist Ch.Delgertsetseg is partnering with a young artist and violinist B.Bilguun to present a brand new classic pop genre, “Never Enough” for her audience. The concert will consist of three parts and aims to develop the classical arts, including inspiring young students, bringing an innovative style to the audience, and bringing them closer to the world of violin. Part 1: Musical arts from composers from different generations that still live in the hearts of Mongolians will be performed by UB Drums, Ulaanbaatar Ensemble,…
Full Moon Affair
Degi is back in concert for 2 nights this 24th and 25th May along with renowned Soprano, Uyanga for a romantic night of food, wine, champagne and of course, wonderful music. Venue: iLoft Function House Time: 7:30pm Tickets: 70,000 mnt including Dinner, Wine and Champagne Phone for Tickets: 91117971, 99047971, 99087971 Proudly Sponsored By:
Night of Tchaikovsky Concert
Dylana Jenson, arguably one of the finest Violinists in the World, will perform for one night only with Violinist Degi at the MPP Theatre in Ulaanbaatar this Saturday, 7th July. Please see brochure below for mor info and tickets. The Violinist – Dylana Jenson Interview
For all these years, after playing my violin, I am very happy to be known as Mongolia's best-known violin player/fiddler, and for international community. I was classically trained in Ulaanbaatar for 12 years and spent a further 3 years...
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